Acupressure consists of pressing the acupuncture points in an attempt to help the free flow of energy in the channel(s). Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but the person uses their fingers instead of needles to work the point.
Some studies suggest that acupressure releases endorphins and promotes anti-inflammatory effects, helping with certain types of arthritis. Depression and anxiety. More than one study suggests that fatigue and mood may improve from the use of acupressure. Better-designed trials are needed to be sure.
While both conditions show positive effects for various conditions, acupuncture is considered a more effective treatment as it can stimulate the acupoints more strongly. However, this doesn’t dismiss the efficacy of acupressure, as their overall effectiveness depends on the patient and the condition being treated.

Some people may feel sore or have bruises at acupressure points after a session. You may also feel lightheaded for a while. Pressure should be gentle over sensitive areas, such as the face. If you’re pregnant, talk to your care provider before trying acupressure.
Massage is typically used for muscle relaxation and stress relief, while acupressure aims to release and balance Qi, the body’s energy. Method of delivery: Massage often uses oils and involves varying degrees of pressure and movement, while acupressure uses steady, direct pressure without oils.
With acupressure there can be a noticeable instant effect, however, it can also take 15 to 20 minutes until an alleviating effect occurs. With a little trial and error, and some practice, you will be start finding the correct acupressure point faster and more accurately.
Stimulating certain nerves may help reduce the sensation of pain. Researchers also found that acupressure reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases levels of endorphins which are chemicals that boost mood and reduce feelings of pain. Finally, acupressure can improve blood circulation.
The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.
– Bodies Kneaded

The bottom line. Acupressure is an alternative therapeutic approach that is generally considered safe for most people. While the scientific research on acupressure is limited, the ancient practice may help relieve pain and minor health issues.
Fashion is a popular style or practice, especially in Traditional Chinese medical theory describes special acupoints, or acupressure points, that lie along meridians, or channels, in your body. These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with acupuncture. It is believed that through these invisible channels flows vital energy — or a life force called qi (ch’i). It is also believed that these 12 major meridians connect specific organs or networks of organs, organizing a system of communication throughout your body. The meridians begin at your fingertips, connect to your brain, and then connect to an organ associated with a certain meridian.